On: January 23, 2017 In: Tips and Information

What are your customers looking for from privacy glass solutions companies like Vistamatic?

Our customers appreciate that we have several options for privacy and observation control at different price points. Some projects are tight on cost, and having choices and more cost-effective options makes a difference to us and the customer. Our customers want to know they are buying a quality product from a reliable company. The product they select from Vistamatic, BetweenGlassBlinds and Clarity product range depends on their budget.

What are you seeing as the key trends in the market?

Currently we’re seeing an explosive growth in the trend towards switchable/smartglass. In June this year, we launched our Clarity products under our Vistamatic product portfolio and the demand has been incredible. We have already supplied several projects throughout the USA, including a high-end jewelry and diamond company, based in Texas, that were looking for a simple and cost-effective alternative to other switchable glass technologies. We are seeing smartglass being used in commercial, residential and medical applications since it is very easy to operate – with a flick of an on-off switch –  and provides privacy and security for any glass window or partition.

What are the standout moments for Vistamatic in 2016?

The steady upward trend in sales growth and in the number projects from coast-to-coast, as well as fiscal growth, staff and machinery.

What do you think sets Vistamatic apart from competitors?

Fair pricing, different product options, quality, US-made and great customer service.

 What’s your focus for 2017?

Continued growth in every aspect.

Where do you predict the market moving to over the next year and beyond?

More projects in the commercial sector due to our Clarity and BetweenGlassBlinds products; continued emphasis on Architects in healthcare and commercial sectors.

For more information, contact Carlos at:

Phone: 866-466-9525 ext. 103 • Fax: 866-861-9135 Cell: 954.326.1695