Pioneering Window Technology – The New Parkland Hospital

August 18, 2021

Article is attributed to the original article written in

In the New Parkland Hospital, each patient room has a window that looks out into the hallway. Technically, these windows are called vision panels. The windows create an added sight line for patients and staff.

The vision panels are meant to enhance the patient experience. With the vision panels, staff can observe the patient without entering the room. Staff and patients alike can quickly close the vision panels with a flick of a finger or swipe of an elbow. Less traffic through a patient room helps decrease the spread of infection due to minimal exposure and surface contamination.

Patients can also operate the vision panels from the inside of the room, which offers them some control of their own privacy.

In order to eliminate noise when opening and closing the vision panels, the vision panel company, called VISTAMATIC, pioneered a new design development for these kind of windows. Called an impact absorption system, the design feature reduces the noise when a vision panel is closed to ensure a quiet care area and happy patients and staff. The new system includes the smallest spring ever patented.

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