On: November 14, 2016 In: News Releases

Frances integral blind corner solution is the most advanced integral blind system providing healthcare users with a maintenance-free, totally integrated privacy and shading solution. Frances integral blind corner solution is controlled by a discrete, powerful handle located around the unit perimeter for aesthetic appeal and utmost function. The one-handed operation provides ease-of-use and allows the user full control of privacy, shading and climate control. Frances is ideal for healthcare environments that require discrete observation and meets the requirements for clinical infection control. As with all VISTAMATIC products, it is easy to install and competitively priced.


francesThe innovative and stylish Francis corner blind sits inside a hermetically sealed double-glazed argon filled unit – which protects the blind from damage, dirt and grime – meaning the blind is hygienically excellent, never needs cleaning and is completely maintenance free.

The lift and tilt functionality enables the slats to tilt from open to close as well as lift or raise for maximum exposure and viewing capabilities, or to reduce glare and sunlight, keeping a room at a more moderate temperature.

Other features include:

·        Corner unit operable with single handle

·        Magnet controls for tilt & lift functions

·        Maintenance-free

·        10-year warranty

·        Cost effective and competitive

·        Easy and cost saving installation

·        No cutting or drilling